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Sometimes, particularly during the fall and winter months, my hair needs more than the "usual" to be moisturized.  My hair can however be dry the next morning though I slap on a moisturizer and wear a simple satin bonnet at nighttime.  Doing a LOC routine the night before may exercise null to prevent parched strands the following twenty-four hour period.  So, sometimes, I have to rely on certain nighttime techniques to transform my hair from dry to moisturized.  Here are a few that work for me:

Double or triple up the satin with heavy moisture

In short, I don't just stop with putting a satin bonnet on my hair before bed. I too ensure that I sleep on charmeuse pillowcases, which requite my pilus double the moisture protection. Sometimes, I fifty-fifty go as far as wrapping my hair with a satin scarf prior to putting on the bonnet, hence triple the wet protection. Of class, all of this would be in vain without get-go heavily moisturizing my hair.  (You lot can consider this a modified version of the baggy method, but with satin instead of plastic.)

Seal with hair grease

When a whipped butter or creme no longer seals my strands (which is rare, merely information technology does happen), going back to hair grease can sometimes do the play a joke on.  Personally, I like Softee Indian Hemp considering it also contains oils similar jojoba, safflower, and rosemary. I prefer to layer the grease on top of the whipped butter or creme for extra sealing rather than to do a total-on substitution. Do check out my earlier postal service for more details:How Pilus Grease (Yes, Grease!) Can Help Retain Length in Natural Pilus.

Turn on the humidifier

Some of you may have heard about this technique before, just I cannot stress it plenty.  Running a heater while you sleep may be necessary to stay warm, peculiarly during this fourth dimension of year, but it tin can also be drying to the air around you.  Turning on a humidifier overnight volition aid to supercede that dry out air with moisture, which will non simply exist ameliorate for your hair simply your peel equally well.

Wet the pilus, seal, and twist or braid

When I say "wet", I don't hateful a simple spritz with my favorite moisturizer. I mean "wet" the hair so that it is literally damp to the bear on. (It does not have to be dripping wet.)  I sometimes do this earlier bed to replenish my dry strands.  Stopping at this point, though, would be futile and then I follow up with an oil then twist or braid my pilus to help the moisture stay trapped overnight.  Also, doubling or tripling up on the satin adds that extra layer of assistance.

How do you lot transform your hair from dry to moisturized overnight?