
How To Remove Tummy Hair During Pregnancy

Hairy abdomen in pregnancy

Information technology'due south a common body change - and volition usually disappear after your baby is born. But why does information technology happen, how can you safely remove it and what hairy tales have our mums got


Yes, a hairy belly is common in pregnancy – you may even sprout nighttime hair when you accept fair hair yourself. Fuzziness and hairiness on your crash-land can often make an appearance in your second trimester, forth with a neat dark line that stems from your abdomen button, called the linea nigra. It might be a momentary shocker, but at that place'southward no need to be alarmed – and it should disappear soon later on your baby's arrived.

Yet, if you lot're not expecting it… "Oh my God," exclaims forum user Religion 85-56158. "I was simply sitting on my figurer and could feel proper little kicks from my baby, and so I lifted my top up to have a look and my belly has got actually hairy!! Information technology'southward not even a line down the middle it's all over!? I don't remember getting this with my outset pregnancy."

"Hell yeah, hairy bellies rule lol. I have the hairiest stomach in the whole world. It got that bad that I sat and cutting information technology with scissors (much to my hubby's amusement)," adds CBB.

So why do some of u.s. sprout a hairy belly when pregnant?

But of form, what else, merely those cheeky preg hormones. OK, interesting fact coming up. "Hairs on our body are usually in one of two phases; either growing and and then falling out, or resting," explains mum-of-two and women's wellness expert, Dr Catherine Hood.

"At whatsoever time, about 90% of our hair is growing and only 10% resting. During pregnancy, nonetheless, increased hormone levels push button more hairs into the resting stage.

"This means fewer hairs are falling out and then yous appear to have thicker pilus. This backlog hair is usually welcome on your head but less so, when other areas of your body become more hirsute."

Where exercise you get the belly hair?

Our mums found it could either exist all over your belly, while others plant it centred around the dark line y'all can develop during pregnancy – called the linea nigra.

"It's kinda a line from my navel (which is commencement to become smaller) and so spreads out from there!" says Hayley_JC.

"I have a lot of hair on my belly besides but only where the 'happy trail' is, says purpleflamingos. It'south actually thick.Then again, I'm having to shave my legs and underarms daily. Wish the pilus on my head grew every bit fast"

Now the fuzz on the abdomen of Faith 85-56518 got then long, she gave her bump a rummage-over. "I only had a bath and it looked even worse in there! And when I got out and dried my belly, information technology looked really funny cos all the hairs went flat. It looked similar a bald man's caput who has combed some hair over, lol."

Can yous remove/bleach this preg hair? If so, what's the safest fashion ?

The good news is that this backlog hair is very probable to autumn out after you've given birth, usually within 6 months. But that's a long time to wait for some – we're feeling those hairs, Faith.

And then, yes, if you lot desire to remove the fuzz, information technology's safe to do and so by waxing, plucking or shaving. It'due south too safe to bleach the hair. Only remember, you may notice your peel is more than sensitive during pregnancy.

"I have a hairy abdomen and have even started plucking them out by my bellybutton," confesses hollysmumbump.

"I pluck out the big ones (mine are thick and night), simply leave the fuzzy ones! I effigy the midwife has definitely seen worse things!" says BR2B.

Hayleyspirit regrets resorting to shaving. "I have a hairy belly besides. Information technology's quite lightish but I tin really see them when I'm in the bathroom. It's horrible and I've shaved it twice! But I wish I hadn't, every bit it's worse then always! My own error."

Karen130770 agrees. "My hair is blonde only it stands out on finish like it's got permanent static – it's very off-putting, But whatever y'all exercise – DON'T SHAVE IT! Not a good look when it grows back."

Does a hairy belly mean you're having a male child?

This is a common sometime wives' tale – hairy belly means you're conveying a boy. So what did our mums find?

"My abdomen got hairy in my start pregnancy and then went back to normal later on birth. I had a boy. Information technology's got hairy this time round besides. I'm having a boy this time too," says Lauly.

"Glad to know I'one thousand not the only one with a hairy crash-land!" says Hayley_JC. "We already know nosotros're having a boy so that wives' tale is truthful on our part."

Ii thumbs up for the old wives, simply expect, what's this…

"I had a really hairy tummy – I looked like a chimp! I was tempted to shave it only thought better of it," says says hushpuppy earlier adding, "I had a babe daughter!" .

"I have a hairy belly. Everybody seems to exist proverb it's a sign of a male child but I am having a baby girl.I also got hairy in my final pregnancy which was a girl!" says hollysmumbump.

Looking a bit 50:50. We'd say, enjoy your new pilus, particularly if y'all tin can give information technology a comb-over, and expect to run into…

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How To Remove Tummy Hair During Pregnancy,


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